August 10, 2006


I saw one of these this morning on my way into work. Where? Where else? In the subway. There's just something creepy about it. They are the same color as the ground and the tracks down there, so you just see something moving out of the corner of your eye. Then when you turn to look... icky rat. This particular rat wasn't as large as the grandious stories of New York rats, but it wasn't small. It would definitely not be confused with a Chicago rat. Chicago keeps them small by putting garbage in alleys in - get this - various garbage cans and receptacles. Isn't anyone here seeing the solution to this problem? Get the garbage up off the streets where rats can get to it. Less food = less rats.

Or at the least, smaller malnourished rats.


Anonymous said...

Do you want a cat to help NYC get rid of those nasty rats?

Anonymous said...

A cat might be nice!

Lori said...

I would love to have a cat... if it came with anti-sneeze fur and was actually a dog!

Anonymous said...

yeah, i never got to see Ratt live. not even with their replacement singer, jizzy pearl. although i'd see either lineup, i'd rather see him front Ratt than their original singer. jizzy's last solo record rules, as does his work with the early love/hate records. oh well.

it's okay. i was never a huge Ratt fan to begin with, but i wouldn't have minded seeing them back in the day. 'round and round' is the song everyone remembers, but i personally preffered 'way cool jr.'.

especially the video, when the naked chick with the red guitar covering her booty walks down the street and into the night at the end. that was a great video for any fifteen year old boy.

hehe. Ratt. ok, i'm done now.

Anonymous said...

oh, crap, i can't believe i missed 'preffered' when i was editing my last comment. yuck. that spelling makes my eyes hurt.

Anonymous said...

Ratt? I thought she was listening to the new Enslaved album!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ma insinuating that you would send Demon/Damon to help Lori with the rats... Like anyone could possibly put up with that cats neediness besides you ;)