April 18, 2007

Be "blog" famous

I've added two new albums over there to the right. One is My Peeps, which is just like it says, pictures of my peeps. Most of these photos show up in other albums, but it's kinda nice just to have them all there. If you aren't up there it's not that I don't love you, I just may not have a good pic... which brings us to the second album... New York Visitors. The first group to be posted are of Leah when she was here last weekend. Take particular note that I captured her on film in Macy's. And, oh yeah, what's that she's holding? Well, well, well, it's a Bloomingdale's bag! As two of Nordstrom's biggest competitors it's amazing she stepped foot into both of these stores. But I was there to get it on film.

Wanna be famous? Really sad you aren't in My Peeps album? Come to New York, be cute, get posted, and instantly tens of people will be looking at you!


Anonymous said...

How many times have I been to NYC? Love, Mom

Lori said...

I know, I know... but I already put those pictures in Out and About in NY. Clearly I have to work on my photo organization!

Leah said...

I clearly remember saying something to the effect of "I feel like I'm breaking a Comamndment" and feeling vaugely nauseous the whole time.