June 26, 2007

Cats in Dog Suits; The Truth Revealed!

Since the beginning of this teacup pup trend I've called the mini-pooches "cats in dog-suits." It's been funny, usually pulls a laugh. But today, I found proof that it might actually be true. I was leaving TJMaxx, happy with the new decorations I had chosen for my Epiphany Bathroom (more on this later), when I was walking towards a woman with a little grey poodle. It was sitting in the basket of the cart, and when she picked it up to put it in it's little roller-mesh-cage-thingy it hissed. The poodle hissed. It was the strangest hiss I have ever heard, but it was definitely a hiss. So apparently, the joke is on everyone, they really are cats in dog-suits.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't a curly Damon wannabe?

Lori said...

Well, maybe... except that the poodle was a good 5 pounds lighter than Damon the bitch slapping cat!

Joseph L. Dressler said...

Is there a mother daughter battle going on here? In Europe, many years ago, I had the pleasure of seeing a cat not only dressed up in dogs clothes, but also on a leash. What is this world coming to.

Lori said...

Further proof!!! That cat was the fist iteration....