I lost the blue in my hair. I'm just going to have to be weird in some other way for age 31. Perhaps I'll finally get that tattoo I've wanted.
My epiphany bathroom design came to fruition thanks to blue paint and a chandelier wall graphic. Check it. Oh yeah, you totally want to pee in my bathroom.
The Mom was here, and this time she brought my cousin Amy to play with us. It was HOT in the city, but we had a great time. Did the NY stuff and some Brooklyn stuff too. Here's Amy and Ma looking cute on the boat that never set sail.
Made some swell new friends. New girl at work, Lindsey, is kinda awesome, and I've hit it off well with some of her friends too. So we've been having fun times out and about in the city. Brunching and shopping and drinking, oh my!
Getting back into taking pictures around the city. Much easier when it's sunny. I finally took a picture of this wall on my walk to the subway that I just love. The colors are amazing.
Been seeing movies. Love the movies this summer. I might OD on hot guys in action flicks. Still talking about how sarcastically cute Robert Downey Jr. is in Iron Man, I saw Wanted yesterday with my friend Mary. I was already in love with James McAvoy, but it's now a full-blown obsession. Please join me in understanding why. Yeah, we both gasped when we saw that. It doesn't hurt that a few days earlier he was on the Daily Show full of charm, wit and modesty. Hancock is up next... Will Smith is another cute one who seems to have a real personality. Love it.
And finally, last night I went to see Jollyship the Whiz Bang with my new friend Jackie. Here's Jackie looking super pretty in great light before the show.
Jollyship was amazing. It's a play... er, concert... er, musical... er, puppet show... about pirates. I don't think I could describe it accurately if I tried, all I know is that was possibly the best $25 I've ever spent. Way up there with Evil Dead the Musical. Didn't hurt that a few members of the cast are adorable. Here we are sporting our Jollyship branding stamps.
Wow, I really need some sun, my skin is so white I'm reflective! Perhaps I could spend less time gawking at cute boys indoors and head outside. There have to be some outside too...
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