November 18, 2006


Attention Evil Dead Fans!!! You MUST come to New York now!

Last night I went to see Evil Dead: The Musical with a few friends from work. I haven't laughed so hard in the theater since Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane were in The Producers... and well, that was a whole different kind of funny. The Producers didn't have a "bloody splash zone." That's right, people sitting in the first two rows at Evil Dead get a complimentary poncho, and they needed it.

And now, a Best Of list about the musical:

Best new line not from one of the movies: "I bitch slapped her with my one good hand."

Best executed line from one of the movies: "This... is my BOOMSTICK!"

Best song: "What the Fuck Was That?"

Best Sam Raimi reference: "I was stuck watching Spiderman on the plane. God, how bad was the direction on that film?"

Absolute funniest scene: When all the stuff in the cabin starts rattling and the posessed wall-mounted moose (which looks like a child's stuffed animal) starts singing in a Disney-style voice, "You will join us!"

So basically, it was awesome. Even people who haven't seen any of the Evil Dead movies will find it a hilarious spoof on horror movies. And of course, even though you see each and every one of them coming, all the Ash one-liners are fantastic. I'll defintitely be going back with anyone who wants to see it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man, this *really* needs to hit Chicago at some point. I'm thrilled that you got to check it out, and even happier that it lives up to, and seemingly exceeds expectations. Hope you end up in the 'bloody splash zone' next time.