November 29, 2006

"I swear I didn't print my own ticket"

Because of my move to New York this year I was travelling for Thanksgiving no matter what. So I decided to head down to Florida to stay with my Aunt Susan and Uncle Fred to eat turkey and stuffing by the pool. They live near Fort Meyers, which means from New York my choices in flights ranged from ridiculously expensive to Bill-Gates-couldn't-afford-it pricing on most airlines... except for USA 3000. I figured, how bad could it be?

On Wednesday the 22nd Greg and I fought our way through the crowds to Newark airport. We got to the USA 3000 check-in desk where there were no lines. We walk up and the guy takes our licenses and searches through a printed document for our names. He can't seem to find them. We're wondering why he's not just looking us up on the computer.
Another employee tells him where our names are (obviously not in alphabetical order, or I hope not for his sake). We ask if we are sitting together and he said that would be tough. Next thing we know he hands over the handwritten boarding pass you see below on what looks like yellow contsruction paper with the gate and seat assignments written in... and the seats are in fact, not together.

My first thought is that somewhere during the long trip to the airport we slipped into some kind of time-travel Star Trek wormhole that transported us back the the Pan Am era. Not so. For our first step through the security gates was this crazy machine you step into that blasts air at you to detect bomb stuff or too much perfume or something like that. In any event, it was brand new, so we obviously hadn't slipped back in time. And it wasn't the airport, Newark is actually quite nicely renovated. Apparently, it was just USA 3000... behind the times.

Other than leaving late (normal) and having a bumpy ride (weather) we made it to Fort Meyers unscathed. Thanksgiving was quiet and delicious. We feasted on more calories than we would require for the entire week. It was awesome. Sadly, now it's back to work for another month.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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