April 03, 2007

Get your NYPD T-shirt here!

There is an empty jail down the street from my apartment. It's been closed since 2003 but lately there have been rumblings of what to do with it. Convert it to condos? Convert it to a hotel? Re-open? Re-open and expand? Re-open and expand AND throw in some retail!!!!??????

That seems to be the latest plan.

None of this will really affect me much. The jail is four long blocks to the West from where I currently live, and I've started looking to move a few blocks to the East anyway. I'm going closer to where the criminals run free in their natural habitat, instead of caged up and on display. But the folks who've bought a fancy condo next door and in the burgeoning neighborhood are going to be pretty pissed, no matter how many coffee shops and swanky boutiques go in on the first floor.

At least when the inmates are released they'll be able to grab a $5 latte and on the way back into society.

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