October 05, 2006

Sign me up

I never understood the need for Tivo. I have always considered it one of those technologies that would be nice to have if you just had money lying around. Like CD players when they first came out, or cell phones before they detached from the bag in the car. I mean, really people, if you are going to be out during the occasional episode, it's okay, you can use your $25 VCR to record that hour you just can't miss. And this system has worked just fine for me for a very long time.

Until now.

Now I have a real job. A job where I'm the last person to touch the output of a project before sending it on to the client. A job where most of the work comes in sometime after noon, and continues from there. A job where I tend to be the last to leave on my project team.

Don't misunderstand, I really love my job. The work is fun and the people are amusing. And they really start getting silly once its past dinner time. Tonight my boss, the VP of Production (who shaves his head), comes walking back to his desk when a young woman on my Rockwell team just blurts out, "Eugene, your head looks really shiny today." It was maybe the funniest random bizarre comment pulled out of thin air that I've heard in ages. Luckily for her, Eugene is kinda awesome, took it as the strangest compliment ever and laughed.

But back on track... I like TV. I know, it's bad. It's rotting my brain. I shouldn't watch TV-- I should read, or cook, or walk through the park avoiding unsavory characters. I do like to read, but I read on the subway. I don't mind cooking, but only do it out of necessity to eat. And I do really like to walk through the park, but just not at night. So, yeah, when I get home from thinking all day, I like to unwind by escaping my reality and watching fake peoples' lives, followed by the fake news compliments of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

I'll generally be working late, sometimes quite late, and mostly I can't plan ahead for when that will be. Sure, I could set up my VCR every morning to tape the shows I like that night just in case I won't be home... but lets be real here. Even if I didn't cut it within an inch of being right-on-time every day and actually had the time to set it, most of the time I would forget anyway. So I admit to all of you, my dear readers, in front of the gods of the internet and whoever might be reading over your shoulder that...

I need Tivo.

Hey, put away the violins! This isn't only about me. I just learned tonight that the show my TV Boyfriend is on has moved to a half an hour earlier on Monday. What kind of TV-stalker Girlfriend would I be if I didn't watch him every single week? A bad one, that's what.

So this weekend I will call Time Warner to settle an incorrect billing issue that has been festering for too long, and reward them for their incopetence by giving them more money for their DVR service. It's the price I'll have to pay... can't risk missing my boy on Monday night.


Anonymous said...

Could your boyfriend possibly be Neil Patrick Harris?!

Lori said...

Oh lord, no! Neil is truly hilarious on the show, and though I do like the blondes in real life, I prefer my TV boyfriends to be of the brunette variety. Case in point, leading man Josh Radnor. But only as long as he doesn't run off and get married or engaged like my last TV boyfriend, Tom Welling... and the one before him, Jerry O'Connell. Love is a fickle thing.