October 01, 2006

Sweet Home Chicago

This weekend I was back in Chicago for my sister's 26th birthday. That's the two of us... looking nothing alike, but we love each other anyway.

It was a great weekend. Leah, Mom and I had dinner together Friday night at a very yummy restaurant, Hot Chocolate, where we ate way too much but it's hard not to at that place. Saturday we shopped together during the day, and many pairs of shoes were purchased. After shopping Mom's boyfriend, Homer, joined us for sushi dinner at Coast. Mmmmm.

Afterwards Mom, Homer and I dropped Leah off and went to the Shakespeare Rep Theater for a performance of Hamlet (We didn't ditch her, she had no interest in seeing it.) The performance was a little disappointing. Mom and I have a subscription to this theater where we see three plays a year. Usually we love them, and I was really looking forward to this because I like Hamlet a lot. But the performance was just okay this time. Bummer.

Sunday I had brunch with Rob and Nicole and hung out with Mom in Millennium Park. Seeing one of my best friends and walking around the park on such a beautiful day, soaking up the architecture and the feeling of the city really made me miss Chicago. It was quite hard getting on the plane to come back to New York (and not just because I wasn't looking forward to hanging out on the jetway for an hour before taking off). Even though I love my job and think New York is an amazing place, I miss Chicago a ton. I assume these feelings will fade over time... I've only been here for two months, my job is brand new and I have just a few friends here right now. In time I'll settle in, meet more pople and dig in to the job. But Chicago will always be the city I call home, for a million reasons.

So in this post I give a big shout out to Chicago... and shall return to the strangeness of New York soon. Perhaps this week I'll be able to snap a picture of the crazy guy kicking a filthy amoeba shaped pillow around Union Square.

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