September 01, 2007

Driven to drink

It's Saturday afternoon, and I'm taking a break from work to write this post. That's right, it's Labor Day weekend and I'll be working at least today, if not tomorrow as well. The Reason: The Yankees. Right now the project is flying wildly out of control, and I've got to pull it back together. The only time I actually have to do this is after work hours when people aren't constantly asking for stuff. So I'll be organizing like a mofo this weekend.

This project has quite a cast of characters, one of which is the interior designer, who is a very nice man... but couldn't take longer to make a point. Andy and I were on a conference call with him yesterday for an hour and a half that should have taken 45 minutes max. At this point in a very long week I was tired of working and Andy was just plain old tired. Delirium had set in and we were acting quite silly on our end of the line. He went and got a beer, ugh Corona, and was entranced by the bright green color it turned when he put it in front of the projector. I left shortly after and returned with an Amstel Light. That's right people, the Yankees have driven me to drink... beer. And I wasn't even drunk first. Armageddon is clearly upon us.

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