August 30, 2006

Just saying "Hi"

Sadly, I don't have much to report since my birthday. I did have a very nice day. The dinner Greg and I went to was excellent and my chocolate dessert was so good I was a little sad that Greg took a bite because it was one less bite for me. (Hey, it was my birthday, I could be selfish for one day!) We were then planning to go to Coney Island over the weekend, but it's been rainy and dreary ever since Friday night. So we had a lazy weekend. Ran some errands, hung around the house watching movies. New York is a very interactive city, you've got to get out to experience the crazy. We thought it was a little strange that there was a line out the door for this greasy take-out spot near Macy's. It was like walking past Garrett's popcorn on Michigan Ave. on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We had never heard of this place so we couldn't understand the crowd. But then we remembered we were in a tourist area, so certainly none of the people in line were actual New Yorkers... they were probably Midwesterners looking for familiar-looking food.

This upcoming weekend is moving weekend. I have yet to know what day my stuff arrives, the movers tell me it will probably be on the 1st or 2nd, but neither day is guranteed until they call when my things leave. Leave where? Where are my things? I mean, I know they are in storage, but where? Ohio? New York? Nebraska? I am told I will have at least 24 hours notice. So I guess I sit and wait until I get that call. Knowing how movers operate, I'll consider it a success if they show up before Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your stuff was all dropped into a hole in the middle of america straight through the planet out to the indian ocean on the other side, where it is shot out through a volcano onto an island. this is why the month of storage was free. it is also why they cannot give an estimated time of arrival. they have to send a boat of explorers accompanied by local area experts to find the island where they're keeping your stuff. they have to a) find the island, b) gather and load your stuff up, c)avoid pirates, d) sail towards america, and finally, e) wait until they're in international maritime cell phone range in order to call you about your stuff.

this isn't as easy as it sounds.