August 24, 2006

Where's my birthday pie?

A few years back my sister was working at one of her first pastry jobs in a bakery. A couple of days before my birthday she asked me what kind of cake I wanted. The conversation went something like this:

Leah: What kind of cake do you want for your birthday?
Me: I want a pie.
Leah: You can't have a pie.
Me: Why not?
Leah: Because you have cake on your birthday. It's birthday cake, not birthday pie.
Me: But I like pie more than cake. I don't like all that frosting.
Leah: Well you can't do it.
Me: I want pie. What kind of pies does the bakery make?
Leah: Apple, peach, cherry, etc.
Me: PEACH! That sounds great! I'll have peach birthday pie.
Leah: But you can't write "Happy Birthday" on a pie.
Me: Sure you can, it just won't be flat on top. I'll have a peach pie with "Happy Birthday Lori" written in icing. It'll be great.
Leah: You can't put icing on a pie!
Me: No, but you can.
Leah: You're insane.

Eventually she came around, and a few days later I had a peach pie with "Happy Birthday Lori" written in purple icing. That was four years ago, for my 25th birthday. I haven't had cake on my brithday ever since. I've had pies, tarts, and even baklava, but not cake.

We have fallen into a pattern of celebrating our birthdays twice in my family. On the actual day my mother, sister and I always have dinner together, and then at the closest weekend we'll have another dinner and I usually invite a friend along for that. This year is different. This year I'm in New York, 800 miles away from my family and most of my oldest and dearest friends. Even when I lived in San Diego I flew home for my birthday that year. But unfortunately schedules didn't allow it for this year. It's okay, I'm not complaining, it's just crazy that the first time I am celebrating a birthday without my family is when I turn 29. Lots of people would think that is very strange, and certainly not normal. But I've never cared much for normal anyway.

So this year I am in New York. I'm not alone though, I'm going out to a special dinner with Greg, and will surely be seeing Joe and Shannon (whoops, I mean Jerry and Jenna) very soon. I am very lucky to have such supportive and wonderful friends who have been happy to make time and include me in thier lives to help make this transition a little easier. And I expect to have a very good birthday here in this strange city. I've realized it's a place in which nothing is really normal, and in that regard I fit right in.

I will miss my birthday pie though.


Anonymous said...

(music starts)
Happy Birthday to you....!
Happy Birthday to you....!!
Happy Birthday dear Lorrrri !!!
Happy Birthday to You.....!!!!

I won't put you through my vocal rendition of Happy Birthday, so use your imagination (imagine Sarah Brightman)

Anonymous said...

dewd, come home. i'll take you to the paje cluuub so we can celebrate both of our birthdays "proper."

the best part.....they have FRIED peach pie. with ice cream if you like.